Tuesday, August 18, 2009


In Argentina they eat a lot of beef. In some restaraunts they will give you a pice of plastic that sits on you table in front of you that is green on one side and red on the other. This tells the waiters wether you want more beef or not. If it is green they bring you more beef. If it is red they stop bringing you beef. Here is a video of some of the difrent dishes in Argentina.

Beef is the national dish of Argentina. But Argentines eat a wide variety of foods. National dishes include empanadas, (stuffed pastry, like little meat pies); locro, (a mixture of corn, beans, meat, bacon, onion, and gourd); and chorizo,(a spicy sausage). In the video bellow you see a lot off beef. But that is not all they eat. Empanadas are one of the major dishes in Argentina. They have pie crust beef
and a light glaze. Those are the major things in the Empanadas.

I made an Argentina dish. I got some special sauce that is from Argentina called Chimmi-Churri and used it to maranate beef. Then I cooked it on the grill, cut it up, then I will serve it to my class. This is one way they make beef in Argentina it was really fun and interesting.